 Art & Philosophy 

Embrace of the Serpent:

A Piercingly Potent Psychedelic Elixir of Justice, Humanity, and the Very Origin and Destiny of the Universe

With stunning monochrome 35mm cinematography, dynamically human characters, insightful dialogue, and an intensely atmospheric score, Embrace of the Serpent's masterfully concocted cinematic experience unfolds like a potent psychedelic elixir from which one awakens a new and transfigured consciousness.

Submerge yourself in the most sincere and beautiful expressions of art, connection, and the profundity of the human soul.

In Lila is a space for ideas, disquisitions, and handpicked libraries of the most inspiring insights and artworks in human history. Each piece is an epic journey designed to awaken something real in you - artistically, intellectually, and spiritually - and kindle an awe for the magic and greatest potentials in our mystifyingly beautiful, vulnerably earthly, and terrifyingly sublime human existence.


Musings & Poetry

On beauty, philosophy, and higher consciousness.



NOV 17, 2020

You, The Ground of All Being

The ground of being is that which embeds and transcends all opposites, manifesting all perception and all the cosmos. It is the implicit and imperceptible unity behind all explicit difference. Between the germinal opposition of light and dark emerge the earth and the sky, the trees and the rivers, the abject horrors and breath-taking beauties of all the world...

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DEC 29, 2021

Eudaimonia, Pleasure, & Peace on Earth

Modern neurochemistry's is a new, yet ancient song - one that is beginning to synchronise with the immemorial hymns of Eastern philosophy in a kind of beatific unison that combine into a profoundly lucid and rivetingly illuminating metaphysical Theory of Everything.

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DEC 02, 2019

Classical Music: A Portal to the Transcendent

Instilled in us throughout our schooling is the great virtue of patience when it comes to literature: War and Peace, The Brothers Karamazov, In Search of Lost Time. It takes effort, mindfulness, careful deliberation, and sometimes some very difficult feelings, to get through and analyse a text - and to finally be rewarded the richness, sensitivity, sensibility, and depth that consequently enriches your soul.

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OCT 24, 2019

Nature as God in Drag

For several thousand years, the concepts of sacred, holy, and divine have referred increasingly to something separate from nature, the world, and the flesh. Three or four thousand years ago the gods began a migration from the lakes, forests, rivers, and mountains into the sky, becoming the imperial overlords of nature rather than its essence...

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By category: Philosophy  •  Society  •  Art  •  Spirituality


Philosophical Inquiry through Art.

Set forth on inspiring disquisitional journeys in beautiful photo-essay format, beginning with the beauty and artistry of each handpicked work of art through to the very depths of the inquiries they evoke as we progress through ever deeper levels of consciousness in pursuit of a higher truth.


Among the most compelling of our creations to transcend the medium into the realms of the intangible.


OCT 24, 2017


Transcendental filmmaker Tarkovsky's Quagmire of Fear and Desire

With every still a painting, Andrei Tarkovsky's Stalker is a breathtaking tapestry of meditative evocations that guide the viewer progressively further down the disorienting rabbit hole of man's fears and desires, where we irrevocably find ourselves sitting down at the same table with our starkest existential angsts.

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OCT 24, 2017

Embrace of the Serpent

A Piercingly Potent Psychedelic Elixir of Justice, Humanity, and the Very Origin and Destiny of the Universe

With stunning monochrome 35mm cinematography, dynamically human characters, insightful dialogue, and an intensely atmospheric score, Embrace of the Serpent's masterfully concocted cinematic experience unfolds like a potent psychedelic elixir from which one awakens a new and transfigured consciousness.

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By category: Philosophy  •  Society  •  Art  •  Spirituality


In Lila Library

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In Lila Library is an ever-growing effort at cataloguing the finest critical studies, essays, and philosophical meditations that help us navigate and refine what it is to be human.

COVER Art bY Roberto Ferri

Latest Additions


FEB 02, 2018

Can We Create New Senses for Humans?
Ted Talk by David Eagleman

"As humans, we can perceive less than a ten-trillionth of all light waves. 'Our experience of reality,' says neuroscientist David Eagleman, “is constrained by our biology.” He wants to change that. His research into our brain processes has led him to create new interfaces to take in previously unseen information about the world around us."

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FEB 02, 2018

Politics and the English Language
Essay by George Orwell

"Modern English, especially written English, is full of bad habits which spread by imitation and which can be avoided if one is willing to take the necessary trouble. If one gets rid of these habits one can think more clearly, and to think clearly is a necessary first step toward political regeneration."

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FEB 02, 2018

Simulacra and Simulation
Introduction to Jean Baudrillard

"According to Baudrillard, what has happened in postmodern culture is that our society has become so reliant on models and maps that we have lost all contact with the real world that preceded the map. Reality itself has begun merely to imitate the model, which now precedes and determines the real world"

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Philosophy  •  Society  •  Art  •  Spirituality